My Story
In 2015 I met the amazing dog, Delilah, who changed the course of my life. When I adopted her at 3 years old, she was afraid of men, machines and training. At the slightest stress she would fold and lay belly up on the floor or run for cover. She wouldn't eat turkey when walking down the street because she was so afraid of the noises. After some not-so-great encounters with trainers, we took a Canine Good Citizen training class that used positive reinforcement at a local rescue and Delilah suddenly understood everything. We snowballed from there and I could not stop teaching her tricks. She now loved training. Learning how to learn increased her confidence enough that she didn't flinch away from men. She started eating food in busier environments and loved to go exploring.
After seeing this revolutionary change in her I knew I had to help all the other dogs in the world that felt that way. I still have a soft spot for shy dogs coming to me for help and love working with them but I have learned so much that I enjoy helping dogs with reactivity or "selective hearing" too. I will do whatever I can to help dogs and their humans live peacefully.
Tabitha Crane
For more information on my training philosophy, please read the

The Crew
My training buddies at home. Keep with them @tabihasdogs on Instagram!

Quality Assurance
Training Assistant
Junior Training Assistant